
The actions for the implementation of the former advanced nucleus of the Fluminense Federal Institute - Bom Jesus do Itabapoana campus, in Cambuci, in the northwestern area of Rio de Janeiro state, were started in 2009, with the request for cession of the Santo Antão Farm, which belonged to the town, to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply - MAPA, through the Federal Superintendence of Agriculture in Rio de Janeiro state.

On January 05, 2011, the Municipal Law n. 063, authorized Cambuci town to donate to IFFluminense Santo Antão property, with 50 hectares of land area which served as the foundation for projects of the Ministry of Agriculture in the fruit growing area with high technology development. MAPA, for no longer being an executing agency to become a supervisory body, and for considering this farm a great asset in the farming and cattle raising sector, believed that the work should be perpetuated by an institution with experience in the area, such as Bom Jesus campus of the IFFluminense.

The public deed of donation of Santo Antão Farm was signed on September 21, 2012, when the advanced nucleus of Cambuci began its teaching activities with the 1st group of the High School concurrent vocational training course in Farming and Cattle Raising.

As recognition for the work developed in the institution, on June 10, 2014, Decree No. 505 was published in the Union Official Journal, authorizing its operation as Cambuci advanced campus. This new status enabled the expansion of the staff and actions carried out on campus, thus promoting more opportunities for young people and for development in the region where it is located.

Cambuci advanced campus has adequate infrastructure for the dissemination of practical and technical knowledge, in order to expand the students' performance in the future labor market. The site also allows the development and professionalization in the agricultural area for the communities of the region.

Its location is strategic, considering that the northwestern region is predominantly agricultural and allows IFFluminense to have a capillarity, aiming at the strengthening of farming and cattle raising in another pole besides Bom Jesus campus, focused on fruit growing, coffee, medicinal plants, production of Native and exotic seedlings, small and medium animals (sheep and beekeeping), with the possibility of acting in teaching, research and extension, to contemplate the inlands of this region.