Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering

Get to know more about the Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering

Professional Profile:

The professional graduated from the Undergraduate Course in Environmental Engineering has a profile with a solid basic training that harmonizes contents of the exact, nature and human sciences, enabled for the performance of activities related to environmental management and monitoring and to planning and mitigation of environmental impacts. They are also capable of providing rapid analysis and understanding of environmental problems and proposing solutions and technological innovations.


Scope of activity:

This professional is able to work in the elaboration and execution of engineering projects for the control of air, water and soil pollution, including recovery of degraded areas; in the preparation of environmental impact studies (EIA-RIMA); in the elaboration of projects of creation, plans of management and administration of conservation units; in the management and treatment of water and sewage, and of river basins; in power generation and distribution companies and in the implementation of environmental management systems in companies.



Five years



Full time