High-School-Integrated to the Vocational Training Course in Logistics – Youth and Adult Modality

National Program of Integration of Professional Education with Basic Education in the Youth and Adult Modality

The Fluminense Federal Institute (IFFluminense in Portuguese), Santo Antônio de Pádua campus, whose authoritative act dates from January 21, 2015 (Ordinance 27/2015 – Union Official Diary), makes an important choice for the opening of its night shift in 2016: the beginning of a course focused on Youth and Adults.

Aiming to contribute to Goal 10 of the National Education Plan, which determines "to offer at least 25% (twenty-five percent) of the enrollment of youth and adult education, in Elementary and High Schools, integrated to professional education", Santo Antônio de Pádua campus provides the High-School-Integrated to the Vocational Training Course in Logistics in the Youth and Adult modality, reaffirming the importance of a public policy focused on the workers of the Northwest area in Rio de Janeiro state.