High-School-Integrated to Vocational Training Course in Petrochemistry

Get to know more about the Petrochemistry Technical Course on São João da Barra campus.

Professional Profile:

The Petrochemistry Technician is a High School graduate capable of performing functions with full mastery of the discourses and knowledge that permeate the construction of life in society and participation in the technological and scientific advances themselves, in the problems involving the environment, health and safety of the worker, in the valorization of the pleasure in concretizing the project of self-realization and, mainly, the commitment and the responsibility with ethical and moral values guided towards citizenship.


Scope of activity:

They develop professional activities in petrochemical industries and companies, water and effluent treatment plants in the petrochemical industry, laboratories for the testing, calibration and quality control of petroleum products. They act in the operation, monitoring and control of petrochemical processes and utility systems with environmental responsibility and respecting safety standards. They conduct quantitative, qualitative and instrumental chemical analyzes. They control the quality of raw materials, reagents and petroleum products.



Three years.



Morning and afternoon



Graduated from Elementary School