Areas of concentration and research linesa

The Master's Degree in Systems Applied to Engineering and Management has areas of concentration and research lines listed below.

Concentration area

Computational Systems.

Research lines:

I. Systems Applied to Management (SAG)

The projects of this line interact with each other in the adoption of technological solutions for the improvement of the organizations processes, whether these are represented by process modeling, project management and development of applied systems, as well as in the critical analyzes of the same technological solutions adopted by several market segments. The projects were proposed in order to continue the activities of the research centers (NES, NEED and GProQS) already established and in full operation in the institution and directly related to this line of research.

II. Systems Applied to Engineering (SAE)

The aim of this line is to model, integrate and develop systems that support the resolution of problems addressed by Engineering, having a theme focused on the construction of models and software and hardware systems that support the execution of productive processes and / or interact with the environment where these processes are executed. In this way, the production of knowledge in the line is related to one or more of these three activities: (i) investigation of sustainability issues and their relation with productive processes, (ii) computational modeling, understood as the work of representation and simulation of solutions to problems of Engineering, analyzing the phenomena, developing physical-mathematical models for its description, and elaborating computational codes to obtain the solutions; (Iii) systems integration and development, which is the process of defining, designing, testing, and deploying applications that involve one or more software, hardware and sensors.

The projects of this line were established in a more comprehensive way, in order to give flexibility to their growth and facilitate the incorporation of new subprojects and financing in the course of their executions. For example, although the project called Distributed Automated Systems is currently represented basically by the RIBRAS project, it is envisaged that it will generate spin-offs for research and development of other applications associated with the theme.