Congresso "Desafios para a Educação em Física no Ensino Médio"

09 a 13 de julho, Instituto Internacional de Física - Rio Grande do Norte

The prosperity and well-being of a country's population in the world today depend heavily on its technological performance and capacity for innovation. Brazilian scientific production has been growing at an accelerated pace. We are reaping the fruits of the postgraduate institutionalization promoted by the National bank BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) from the 60's through the non-repayable investments made by Governmental program FUNTEC (The Technology Fund) and then by Federal agency FINEP( Funding Authority for Studies and Projects). However, the conversion of the knowledge thus generated into patents, technological advancements and innovative products continues to face serious obstacles, especially in human resources training. One of the most serious aspects is the poor quality of science education in high school. It is evidenced in an objective and unequivocal way by the OCDE's (Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development) PISA (International Student Assessment Program), which evaluates the performance of 15-year-olds in written comprehension, math, and science. In the most recent evaluation, in a list of 65 countries, Brazil figures in the last ten.

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